
Me and my dead car

Monday, March 12, 2007

Sick before stress together with plaster

I was having a bad cold. Isn't over yet. My nose was running faster my legs could walk. My coughing rearranged the furniture so hard was my blow.
Everything hurts, specially around my chest. I've had a few nights I left the bedroom so to avoid waking up my dear one. Had it bad.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow (there is a film title in here somewhere) I've got job interviews. The one on Wednesday has received blessing from far away. So I'm counting on getting that one. and tomorrow is just an exercise for Wednesday.

I have been reading some of the things I have written, in the recent past. I'm amazing y'know. (LOL) I wonder how I will do in the future. /me complements /me
If there is a fire, will I add a log or leave it to die? Either way. It's warm now.
The above is prolly a total mystery for ya, so it should be. Some mysteries should be just like that.

Something completely different.
My oldest grandson (5yo) has got one leg in plaster. One of his 'friends' pushed him of his bike. That must have hurt like hell, total hell. It was his lower right leg. Nonetheless, the kid is just like his dad, a small expression on his face shows he's hurting but he doesn't say it out loud.
The end of this week he get's a different type of plaster and they have gotten him a kiddy wheelchair since he can't walk and for the time being the leg must be in an upwards position. Strong kid.


christinA eijkhout said...

So you were a flu-victim. Around here lots of people have flu.
Brave little kid, all plastered up.
Let's hope they change it quickly for one he can walk with.

2Rowdy said...

Erm. My blog being abused by some female gossip.
Time to post a new wallpaper. Har!

christinA eijkhout said...

Hello Zoe, good to read you.
Take good care of yourself.
I saw Johan read it anyways and fled into wallpaper. :)

Anonymous said...

Love, Zoe / Jf/ox
p.s. 'stinA? :) to you (and, thanks, too)

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