
Me and my dead car

Monday, December 18, 2006

New version of the Newsgroup Propagation Search Engine is out!

For a week now I have had a redirect towards William Bagwell's test machine for the NPSE.

He has introduced a few counters. With that it's a lot easier to see how well propagation goes.

It gives a total of servers, total of found and a percentage between them.
Next to that it checks moderation status and gives a count of that.

During the week of testing there were no negative responses, a suggestion of change the colour of a found element has been included.

The new engine is stable so I have removed the redirect and have included the new engine.

Also I have included some additional servers making a total of 58 servers checked.

I wished I could include Giganews in the search but they don't want to help us yet.

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